Welcome to NFToken

NFToken is a simple, cheap NFT standard for Solana.

NFToken is 4x Cheaper Than Metaplex

Creating an NFT with NFToken costs 2M Lamports or $0.08. Metaplex costs 10M Lamports or $0.32.

NFToken is Simple and Easy to Understand

A Metaplex NFT with a Collection requires mint, token, metadata, and edition accounts for the NFT and another set for the collection.

An NFToken NFT with a Collection requires two accounts: one for the NFT and one for the collection.

NFToken Doesn't Require the Terminal

These docs are interactive. That means you can get started without even opening the terminal. You can even create a primary drop (equivalent of Candy Machine) without installing anything.

Try It Out

Create an NFT

Your NFT has been minted!

You’ll need to install Glow in order to mint an NFT.

Bonus - The Code

Here's what the function to create an NFT looks like:

import { Network } from "@glow-xyz/glow-client";
import {
} from "@glow-xyz/solana-client";

// This opens the Glow Chrome Extension and give us the current wallet
const { address: wallet } = await window.glow!.connect();

// We create an account for the NFT by creating a Keypair and then signing
// the first transaction with that Keypair. That Keypair is not needed and cannot be
// used after that first transaction.
const nft_keypair = GKeypair.generate();

// We upload the Metadata about the NFT to S3, but you can also upload it to your own
// decentralized storage service.
const { file_url: metadata_url } = await uploadJsonToS3({
  json: { name, image },

// Every transaction on Solana must include a recent (~ 2 min) blockhash so that the cluster
// knows that the transaction should be processed.
const recentBlockhash = await SolanaClient.getRecentBlockhash({
  rpcUrl: "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com",

// Now we create the transaction locally and then encode it in Base64. Once it's in Base64, we can
// submit it to the Solana cluster to be processed.
const transaction = GTransaction.create({
  feePayer: wallet,
  instructions: [
      accounts: [
        // NFT Creator / Authority
        { address: wallet, signer: true, writable: true },
        // The initial holder
        { address: wallet, writable: false, signer: false },
        // The address of the NFT
        { address: nft_keypair.address, signer: true, writable: true },
        // This is the system program
          address: GPublicKey.default.toString(),
          writable: false,
          signer: false,
      program: NFTOKEN_ADDRESS,
      data_base64: NFTOKEN_NFT_CREATE_IX.toBuffer({
        ix: null,
        // If you are the authority of an NFT collection, you can add NFTs to the collection.
        collection_included: false,

const signedTx = GTransaction.sign({
  secretKey: nft_keypair.secretKey,
  gtransaction: transaction,

await window.glow!.signAndSendTransaction({
  transactionBase64: GTransaction.toBuffer({
    gtransaction: signedTx,
  network: Network.Mainnet,

All of the code for this site is Open Source. You can see the code for this page on GitHub.